
Grey County ranks number one in the province for farm direct sales with over 400 farms selling products directly to buyers.

According to the 2016 Census of Agriculture, Grey County added young farmers at more than double the national rate with a 20% increase in farmers under 35. We saw a 61% increase in gross farm receipts between 2011 and 2016.

We’re seeing innovative agri-food production techniques adopted especially in our apple and dairy sectors, and Grey County foods including beef, grain, lamb, apples and even compressed hay (for animal feed) are being exported to destinations around the world.

The Made in Grey food brand was launched at The Royal Winter Fair in November 2019, and helps consumers recognize Grey County products at the farm gate and on store shelves.  

Top employers include Bay Growers and Henria Holsteins.
Total Employment
million of exports from Grey

Agri-Food Asset Map

The Grey County Agri-Food Asset Map is comprehensive tool that maps our entire agri-food value chain. This map includes farms, processors, distributors, consumer access places, input and service providers, and public assets and infrastructure. Visualizing the linkages helps us identify gaps and opportunities and aids in strategic decision-making for the agriculture and food sectors.

Click to view map

Our Agri-Food Story

We've developed a set of rack cards that tell the story of agriculture and food in Grey. The four cards focus on innovation, local food and hospitality, export sectors and producers who do direct to consumer sales. Click on the buttons below to download the rack cards. 

From Field to Fork

A Taste of Place

Feeding the World

Leading the World

Ag-Grid Agri-food Business Directory

Looking for funding, mentorship, or expertise to help grow your agri-food business? The AgGrid can help your find supports across the region. 

Download AgGrid PDF